Get Familiar with Process to Export Shopify To Etsy

Among the major goals of an e-commerce business, boosting sales and reaching broader audience are prioritized by the entrepreneurs. Since most of the seller consider Shopify and Etsy as the trusted as well as productive platforms, it is ideal to choose the one that has comparatively higher potential to diversify the business according to Ecommerce expansion. On the one hand, customization and scalability of Shopify are its crucial features while the sellers can explore and productively use Etsy as the reliable marketplace for vantage, handmade and unique items. Nevertheless, when the sellers need to export Shopify to Etsy, the targeted audience can be retained by the robust tools of Etsy.

Most of all, the powerful backend of Shopify will strengthen the operations of Etsy after data migration. But, the human errors and duplication of data or any other mismatch can complicate the data export process, hence, here is a guide that will be beneficial in exporting data from Shopify to Etsy.

Step 1: Your Shopify Store needs to be prepared

It is advisable to verify that Shopify store is properly organized prior to exporting products.

  1. Product listings should be checked:The data fields like descriptions, product titles, and images should be optimized and accurate.
  2. Categorize in a proper order:All the products must be groupedin their respectiveto streamline the export process in a smooth way.
  3. Inventory levels must be checked:The product availability  must be updated to so that overselling instances are avoided.

Step 2: Etsy’s Product Requirements must be understood & selected

These specific requirements of Etsy determined for product listings must be reviewed:

1. Craft, handmade or vintage products can be sold: Etsy allows the sellers to showcase only these types of products online.

2. SEO-friendly titles: The sellers are recommended to use accurate and descriptive titles for their products.

3. Images should be of high-quality: Multiple high-quality images should be posted online to share the details of the products uploaded on Etsy.

4. Selection of category should be accurate: The right category of products must be selected, keeping in mind, the target audience.

5. Pricing structure can be selected according to the business requirements:The pricing can be adjusted after reviewing the listing fees ($0.20 per listing) and transaction fees (6.5%) of Etsy.

Step 3: Shopify products must be exported

1.Shopify admin panel needs to be logged in, firstly.

2. Click on Productssection and mark the products to be exported.

3. Select Export option and choose the CSV format to retain details of products like description, titles, prices, and images.

4. The data can now be saved in CSV file to your computer.

Step 4: the CSV File should be formatted according to Etsy

Select the available template of Etsy and format the CSV file accordingly for uploading the data. Here’s how you can make your Shopify data export process compatible with Etsy:

1. The Etsy CSV template must be downloaded from the Etsy shop manager.

2. The Etsy template and Shopify export must be opened in the spreadsheet editor like MS Excel

3. The details of Shopify CSV should be copied and pasted in the Etsy template in the respective data fields:

  • It is advisable to check the accuracy of product title according to Etsy’s Title column requirements.
  • The descriptions being transferred should match the formatting guidelines of Etsy
  • Pricing should be updated if Etsy’s terms of use demand the upgrade according to your business requirements.

4. The data you have updated in CSV formatted must be saved in Etsy’s template format.

    Step 5: Products can now be uploaded to Etsy platform

    1. Start by logging in your Etsy shop manager account.

    2. Navigate Shop Manager>Settings>Import Listings.

    3. The formatted CSV file can now be uploaded.

    4. Check the accuracy of imported listing and make necessary changes in images, descriptions and titles, as required, to match compatibility with the Etsy platform

    Step 6: Etsy Listings must be customized

    Creative and unique listings are appreciated by the Etsy’s audience. Hence, you can make your listings  compelling by:

    1.Use additional tags that will enhance the search visibility of listings.

    2. The materials, variations, and shipping options must be used to make listings comprehensive.

    3. Adding personalized seller notes or stories will be helpful in engaging buyers.

    Step 7: Inventory data must be synced across platforms

    You must prevent overselling products by manging inventory data on Shopify and Etsy

    1.You can use popular inventory management tools or apps to sync stock levels.

    2. The stock can also be updated manually in case, you don’t prefer using third-party apps.

    Step 8: Marketing the Etsy Shop after exporting the data

    Connect with your existing customers through email to promote your Etsy store and:

    1.Etsy shop must be linked via Shopify store and vice versa.

    2. Use social media platforms to promote your Etsy store

    3. Etsy Ads can be used for marketing your listings to attract potential buyers.

    Apart from the above guide to export Shopify to Etsy, you can make the data migration easier and efficient by connecting with Selling OS, the reliable etsy Account Management Services provider.

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