Export Shopify To Woocommerce Is Made Easier With A Step By Step Guide

If the traditional way of switching from one app to another is followed, it can be a challenging experience. Whether it is due to data synchronization, human error, or the tedious approach to export Shopify to wooCommerce, migration of the app to another platform needs to be made error-free to retain the entire information. However, by following the structured approach of data migration, the entire process can be made smooth and free of errors. We have compiled a step-by-step guide to export your Shopify store data and import it into WooCommerce in a better way.

A quick introduction to Shopify and WooCommerce

Shopify is one of the popular and user-friendly hosted eCommerce platforms known for their benefits. On the other hand, the unmatched flexibility including the WordPress plugin of WooCommerce makes it the ideal platform for most businesses. Hence, many businesses are compelled to export Shopify to WooCommerce to take advantage of its affordable and customizable nature. In fact, the reduced long-term cost experienced with the use of WooCommerce testifies to its effectiveness in data migration. Here’s how to export the data step-by-step:

Step 1: Preparing the WooCommerce Store

1. WordPress and WooCommerce account setup:

  • WordPress needs to be installed on the web hosting server.
  • The WooCommerce plugin needs to be installed from the dashboard of WordPress
  • Configure basic store settings

2. Necessary Plugins need to be installed:

  • Migration tools like Cart2Cart, FG Shopify to WooCommerce, or other data import/export plugins need to be installed to accomplish the export process.

Step 2: Shopify data needs to be exported

1. Shopify Admin Panel needs to be logged in:

  • Navigate the Shopify dashboard
  • Access Settings > Apps and Sales Channels > App Store in case, you require other export tools.

2. Products need to be exported:

  • Navigate the Products section in the Shopify dashboard.
  • Click on the Export option located in the top-right corner.
  • The data you want to export (all products, current page, or a specific selection) needs to be selected.
  • Choose the file format (CSV or variable) for Export Products.

3. Customers and Orders must be exported:

  • Customers and Orders tabs/segments need to be selected individually.
  • The CSV format should be chosen after clicking Export in each section
  • These files can be saved so that you may use it later.

Step 3: Data needs to be prepared for WooCommerce

In order to match the import format of WooCommerce, Shopify’s CSV files might require minor modifications. For example:

  1. Using Excel or Google Sheets to open CSV files
  2. The column headers must be compatible with WooCommerce’s format (e.g., product name, SKU, description, etc.).
  3. Unnecessary data or fields must be removed

Step 4: Data must be imported into WooCommerce

1. Products that need to be imported:

  • Click Products > Import in the WordPress Dashboard
  • Navigate Choose File to upload the CSV file of products exported from Shopify.
  • Run the importer after mapping the fields from the CSV file to WooCommerce’s product fields.

2. Customers and Orders need to be imported:

  • Plugins like WooCommerce Customer/Order CSV Import Suite must be used to upload the customers’ and orders CV files.
  • Start the import process after mapping the fields accurately

Step 5: WooCommerce Store must be customized after its verification

1. Imported Data must be reviewed:

  • You must ensure that all products, customers, and orders have been imported correctly.
  • All the stock levels, product images, and customers must be checked

2. Payment and Shipping set up :

  • Configuration of payment gateways (e.g., PayPal, Stripe) and other options for shipping needs to be addressed

3. WooCommerce Extensions need to be installed:

  • The necessary plugins for SEO, website optimization, and marketing must be installed.

Step 6:  Final Testing and redirect URLs set up

1. 301 Redirects Set up should be worked over:

  • In case the Shopify URLs that you use are different from WooCommerce URLs, it is ideal to create 301 redirects to retain SEO rankings.
  • A plugin that addresses the redirect process must be installed.

2. Test the final Store:

  •  The store data including product information, checkout processes, and website speed must be checked for their smooth performance.

With this detailed guide, you can easily export Shopify to WooCommerce, but, if you are looking for a dedicated account manager, then, Sellingos will be the right choice. Connect with us, today to get started with the seamless data migration from one platform to the other.

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